Package com.htueko.resumeapp.domain.model


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data class DetailResume(resume: Resume, educations: List<Education>, projects: List<Project>, skills: List<Skill>, works: List<Work>) : Parcelable

detail model for displaying everything related to Resume, Education, Project, Skill and Work

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data class Education(educationId: Int, parentId: Int, schoolClass: String, passingYear: Int, percentageOrCgpa: Double) : Parcelable

domain model for education properties

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data class Project(projectId: Int, parentId: Int, projectName: String, teamSize: Int, projectSummary: String, role: String, technology: String) : Parcelable

domain model for project properties

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data class Resume(resumeId: Int, name: String, avatarUrl: String, mobileNumber: String, emailAddress: String, careerObjective: String, totalYearsOfExperience: Int, address: String) : Parcelable

domain model for resume properties

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data class Skill(skillId: Int, parentId: Int, skillName: String) : Parcelable

domain model for skill properties

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data class Work(workId: Int, parentId: Int, companyName: String, duration: Int) : Parcelable

domain model for work properties