Resume Dao
Data access object to perform operation related to resume app.
to delete educations from database.
to delete educations from database.
to delete project from database.
to delete projects from database.
to delete resume from database.
to delete project from database.
to delete skills from database.
to delete project from database.
to delete works from database.
to get the ResumeEntity or null from database.
to get the list of ResumeEntity from database as latest created resume as first.
to get the list of ResumeWithEducations from database as latest created resume as first.
to get the list of ResumeWithProjects from database as latest created resume as first.
to get the list of ResumeWithSkills from database as latest created resume as first.
to get the list of ResumeWithWorks from database as latest created resume as first.
to insert or update the EducationEntity
to insert or update the ProjectEntity
to insert or update the ResumeEntity
to insert or update the SkillEntity
to insert or update the WorkEntity